It happened to me 

Any form of sexual violence or harassment is never okay. Both are deemed to be sexual misconduct by the University. 
If you think you have been the target of sexual violence or harassment it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel.  
What happened is not your fault and what you do next is always your choice.  

Please note Report and Support is not an emergency reporting tool
  • Are you in immediate danger? If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, you can contact the emergency services on 999.  
  • Find a safe space. If an incident has just happened, try and find somewhere you feel safe. Consider asking a friend you trust to be with you. 
  • Helpline support. If you feel you need to talk to someone immediately you can contact 24/7 Student Support through Spectrum Life on 0800 031 8227. You will need to register -this can be done when you call or beforehand here. Use code UCAWell. 

Support at UCA
Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs)  

 Within UCA you can speak confidentially to one of our trained SVLOs. They are available to offer appropriate practical and emotional support tailored to your circumstances, including that available outside of the University’s own support services. They can also explain what formal options you have through the University’s disciplinary process if applicable, explaining and supporting you through this. 

Please note by reporting on Report + Support you are not making a formal complaint.

You can contact an SVLO either by providing your contact details in an online report to Report and Support or by emailing   

Our student SVLOs are: 
  • Tanya Perkins Gateway Services Manager                                                 
  • Kathryn Shelley Gateway Services Manager 
Our staff SLVO is: 
  • Suki Singh People Partner (People & Culture) 
External Support 

Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) - ISVAs work with people who have experienced sexual violence to get them access to the services they need. They provide impartial advice on all the options available such as reporting to police, the criminal justice process, accessing Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs), seeking support from specialist sexual violence organisations and other services. 
ISVA services and other support such as specialist counselling can be accessed externally through a SARC. They offer support and guidance, a medical assessment/treatment, a forensic examination, and the opportunity for aftercare referrals into support services. Clients are offered these services based on their individual needs and can choose to use as much or as little of the service as they wish. 

This short film explains the role of the SARC and its services.

 Rape Crisis Centres also offer an ISVA and other specialist services. 

  • In Kent, the East Kent Rape Crisis Centre has a specialist student ISVA service offering practical and emotional support and advice specifically for students who are survivors of sexual violence, either recent or historic. The specialist Student ISVAs are there for anyone in education with links to colleges and universities, making the situation easier for those dealing with trauma whilst continuing to study.  
  • In Surrey, the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASAC) provides an ISVA service offering emotional and practical advice and support for people who have experienced rape, sexual abuse or any other type of sexual violence at any time in their lives. The service is open to female and male survivors, aged 13 and over. 
Survivors UK is a service for male survivors. They are an inclusive service and welcome anyone who identifies as male, trans, non-binary, has identified as male in the past, or anyone who feels that they are the right fit for them.

Local Domestic Abuse Support 
Other helpful websites 
Brook offers free confidential sexual health and wellbeing information and advice for young people. 
 Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. They provide specialist help to support people to cope and recover to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives. 
Revenge Porn Helpline is a service supporting adults (18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse also known as revenge porn. 
 Childline (information and links for under 18s) regarding sharing of images and what you can do. 
Stalking Helpline
Cyber Helpline (help if you are being bullied or harassed online) 
Galop (support for the LGBTQ+ community) 


This is your choice. It's completely up to you whether or not to report the incident. Nobody else can or should make that choice for you.  

Report and Support
Students and staff can report an incident using the University’s Report and Support system.
You can choose to do this anonymously, but the University will not be able to respond to your report. 
If you provide your contact information  you will be contacted by an  Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO) and offered support. This does not instigate any kind of formal complaint or appeals process
If you choose to talk to the SVLO, they will be able to talk through the options and support available to you both from the University and externally, in confidence. The SVLO will discuss what steps you would like to take next.  

Reporting to the police
 We suggest that if you are considering this route that you speak to an SVLO or an independent ISVA before you make contact. Rape Crisis also provides further information on what would happen.  
Mental Health and Wellbeing 
24/7 Student Support through Spectrum Life is a confidential in-the-moment student support service, available 24/7, 365 days a year covering numerous topics such as stress, anxiety, low mood, loss and grief, relationship problems, substance abuse issues and much more. You can access the service through a confidential, freephone telephone line, an online chat function through the platform or by requesting a call back. 

Access this service directly by phone or register online:
Use code UCAWell. 
Telephone: +44 (0)800 031 8227 
WhatsApp: Text 'Hi' to +44 (0)7418 360 780 

 Togetherall - Togetherall is a digital mental health support service, available online 24/7, and completely anonymous so you can express yourself freely and openly. Sign up with your UCA email address.
Health and Wellbeing at UCA - For students, the service includes free short term counselling which can be accessed face to face, online or remotely.  
DRAW - For staff, the Employee Assistance Programme offers proactive, practical information and emotional support to help you to manage and reduce the impact of all of life’s events, both at home and at work. The service is available 24/7 and is completely free and confidential.  


There are two ways you can tell us what happened