What is sexual misconduct? 

Sexual Misconduct covers sexual harassment and sexual violence and is not tolerated anywhere within the University’s community.  

Sexual harassment and sexual violence means any form of unwanted sexual behaviour.  

  • It happens where there is no consent.  
  • It can happen when parties involved are known or not known to each other.  
  • It can happen face to face and online, for example on social media, messaging or email.   
  • It can happen irrespective of your race, religion, age, sexual orientation or gender. 

Examples of sexual misconduct include 

  • recording and/or sharing intimate images or recordings of another person without their consent 
  • unwanted physical contact such as touching, groping, sexual assault or rape 
  • unwanted sexual advances 
  • catcalling, whistling or making sexual comments about a persons body, clothes, or their sex life.  
  • Domestic or relationship abuse 
  • Stalking, either in person or online. 

This list is not exhaustive and if what happened to you is not covered by any of the above, or you are unsure of the nature of your experience, we can still support you. Please do not let this prevent you from seeking support.  

It does not matter whether someone intended to be offensive and an incident need only happen once for it to be deemed sexual harassment. 

For more information by what is meant by consent read What is Consent? 



There are two ways you can tell us what happened